Visualizations and Communications


Post-production of videos, photos, text contribute by participants in a community-based study facilitated by Verapax. The video was narrated by a project participant; she recorded her voice from her home while in self-isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Virtual Teaching & Learning

Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Course design, course facilitation using Moodle or other virtual LMSs that are affordable, safe and user-friendly.
Zoom Training and Facilitation
We have designed tutorials and training for community groups or organizations committed to making their virtual meetings diverse, inclusive, safe and welcoming.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
To help you and your team strategize for your next project or evaluate the impacts of your project. GIS offers georeferencing methodology including hot spots and zones of concentration, which can help you or your organization visualize and analyze social or demographic information that is accessible, easy to publish and easily understood by your audience.

Theory of Change Diagrams

Logical frameworks: Visualization of a theory of change using a linear, rigid model approach to planning and managing programs and projects. Do you want to go beyond the linear, reductionist thinking behind logic frameworks for your theory of change?

Systems Mapping

Social change and Systems Mapping: When you are confused about what a system is or how your organization or project interacts with it, a map of a system helps you:

  • Identify the pieces and key stakeholders that form the systems of your environment.
  • Define how those pieces and stakeholders are inter-connected to form an interdependent system.
  • Find ways to influence the pieces and stakeholders to change and/or inter-connect differently to create transformational, sustainable, systemic change.